Friday, April 30, 2010

Things To Be Thankful For...

Last weekend we went to a Teddy Bear Tea Party. It was hosted by our local Mothers of Multiples club. It was about the cutest thing I have ever seen. All the moms dressed their kids in their Sunday best and brought their teddy bear to a fancy tea party complete with real china. Only 2 pieces got broke too! I think that should be on the news!

Nana had bought them these dresses and I loved them, but for the life of me could not think of where we would go that was fancy enough for them. This fit the bill perfect!
The girls before we left for the tea party

We sipped cold peach tea and ate finger sandwiches with our teddies and then played at the park. It was a great time.
Emerson sipping tea
The group shot (as best I could do with what seemed like millions of twins running around!)

When we got home and was putting the girls down for their nap we were saying the things and people we are thankful for. Emerson for the first time decided to add her own in. They were; Swings, Tea, Slides, Cheese, and Shoes. I must agree those are some of the things I am grateful for too!
I take the girls to Gymboree play once a week and they love it. Emerson especially loves Gymbo he is this little clown mascot thing that they take out at the end and she is smitten. I am kind of creeped out by him, but whatever. Well, someone brought a Gymbo doll with them to the tea party and Emerson was stalking it.
Emerson stalking Gymbo

1 comment:

  1. the girls are so cute with the outfit, hair bow and pony tails :) indeed lots to thanksful.
