Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Few of my Favorite Things!

I got this idea from Brook (Hamilton Boys Blog) to post some of my favorite things that the LGs are doing lately. But first a few of my not so favorite things or THING as it may be!

After their nap today I heard them giggling, but thought nothing of it. I decided to let them play a little and make their way out when they were ready. Do this most days. Well, after about 30 minutes I heard Avery yell "Mama" so I got off the coach and headed toward her. As I made my way around the corner this is what I found:

They had pulled EVERY SINGLE piece of clothing out of their dresser and put most of it on the dog while she slept.
Ok, on to the things that make my heart melt...

We like to dance in the kitchen. My Ipod is in the kitchen and we dance quite often as a family. Emerson has taken to singing. She LOVES this song that was popular the year they were born actually. Its Fiest's 1,2,3,4 This is the best video. It has Emerson singing, and Julie and Avery Dancing behind us. I could watch this video over and over and never get tired of it.

A few weeks ago I slept with Avery and Emerson because Avery had a cough and I wanted to make sure she was ok. Neither she or I got much sleep that night. She was coughing and Emerson is a mix-master when sleeping. Well, in the morning I woke up to Emerson rolling her hand on my stomach saying, "Tee Tee Tee!" she was trying to tickle me! So flippin cute!

Avery is one of the funniest people I have ever met. She cracks me up. She is always trying to make people laugh. She likes to run like a cartoon character. She will laugh at ANYTHING! She loves to give hugs but not so much with the kisses. Emerson, on the other hand will give anyone a kiss.
Avery yelling "Pooper!" (Cooper our dog) She addores that dog. The other day it was really cold out and I could not get Cooper to come in. He had been out for hours. He finally came in, but Aver must not have seen it cause she was pointing at the door yelling, "Cooper!"
Avery loves to be read to. Her favorites right now are Olivia and If You Give a Moose a Muffin.
Emerson likes books but not as much as her sister. But she really likes to point out objects. She can sit for hours and have you ask her "Where is the ____?" I think I need to buy her some where is waldo books.

I found them sleeping like this the other night:

Tonight here is where we found them sleeping...on the floor.

Every night after the girls go to sleep Julie picks up the living room. She always leaves something special for the girls (and me) She will leave a doll riding a horse or a hat on the rocking moose. I love it it is so sweet. Julie calls them "Easter eggs" little surprises. Here is tonight's "Easter eggs".

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